HMS is excited to invite you to join The Georgiann Ziegler Patient Advisory Council! This council aims to amplify the voices of the patients within the HMS collaborative. Our goal is to engage a diverse group of patients and/or caregivers to provide valuable insights, patient perspectives, feedback on various aspects of the HMS initiatives particularly focusing on the diagnoses of Pneumonia, Urinary Tract Infection, Sepsis, and/or had intravascular catheter use. We also are looking to engage patients and/or caregivers to present to providers across the state of Michigan with the goal on informing improvement in the quality of care for patients.
Our council will meet quarterly via Zoom for one (1) hour. During these meetings, HMS team members will guide conversations surrounding our initiatives, eagerly welcoming feedback. As a token of appreciation, council members will receive a $50 check for each meeting they attend. If this opportunity interests you, please find additional documents below that provide more information to help make your decision.
Who is Georgiann Ziegler?

Our council is named in honor of Georgiann Ziegler, HMS' first patient advocate. Georgiann herself experienced multiple PICC line placements and other medical interventions. Throughout her journey, Georgiann offered critical perspectives on the patient experience, advocating for improvements that directly benefited our collaborative. Her legacy in patient advocacy underscores the importance of listening to those we serve, making her the perfect namesake for our council.
Thank you for considering this important role. We look forward to working with you to make a positive impact within our collaborative. If interested in joining The Georgiann Ziegler Patient Advisory Council, please contact Caitlin Tatarcuk at