- HMS site reports(hard copy distributed at collaborative wide meetings and live reports available daily via the HMS data entry system)
Recovery-Focused Practices
- Sepsis Alliance 2023 Sepsis Survivor Survey Results
- This survey was conducted to gain insight into the experiences and unique challenges that sepsis survivors face, and for stakeholders and innovators to become better informed on the lived experience of sepsis survivors.
- The Hospital + Health System Association of Pennsylvania Suite of Sepsis Fact Sheets
- Patient Post-Discharge
- Patient Post-Discharge Action Plan
- Patient Discharge Checklist-For Staff Discharging a Sepsis Patient
- Patient and Family Education
- Hand-Off Communication – Acute Care Hospital to Post-Acute Care Facility
- Health Care Providers
- Post-Acute Care Facilities
- Home Care Staff
- AHRQ: Care Transitions from Hospital to Home: IDEAL Discharge Planning Implementation Handbook
- This resource is designed to help hospitals develop effective partnerships with patients and family members with the goal of improving multiple aspects of hospital quality and safety.
- Michigan Medicine COVID-19 Resources for Patients and Families
Baseline Functional Status Assessment
- Geriatric Assessment Toolkit – Functional Status Questionnaire
- North East Specialized Geriatric Centre – Baseline Functional Status Fact Sheet and Example Assessment
- University of Michigan – Geriatric Functional Assessment
PT/OT Consultation
Assessment/Documentation of Goals of Care
- CAPC: Honoring Previously Determined Preferences for Care
- POLST Conversations for ED Physicians with a Capable Patient
- From: The Center to Advance Palliative Care
- This five-minute video demonstrates a physician talking with a capable patient about wishes for care and treatment.
- Key Elements of a Goals of Care Discussion (Dunlay, S.M. et al, Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine)
- SPIKES Framework for Approaching Difficult Conversations with Patients
Discharge Planning
- Henry Ford Health Sepsis: Patient Education Guide
- UpToDate: Hospital Discharge and Readmission
- Project RED(Re-Engineered Discharge): Toolkit(
- Patient Education: AHRQ. Taking Care of Myself: A Guide for when I leave the hospital
- Life After Sepsis Guide for Sepsis Survivors and Families
- Society of Critical Care Medicine Patient and Family Resources
- Queensland Health Adult Sepsis Patient Discharge Information
- JAMA Patient Page on Post sepsis Morbidity
- SCCM – Recovery After a Hospitalization for Sepsis(Video)
- Indiana Patient Safety Center – IHA Sepsis Patient and Family Discharge Education
- Michigan Value Collaborative Sepsis Workgroup: An Overview of HMS's Sepsis Work
- Meeting Recording (48:46 mins)
- Meeting Slides
HMS Collaborative-Wide Meeting Resources (Authentication May Be Required)
- HMS Sepsis Abstractor Breakfast Education Session(July 2023) – Optimizing Transition for Sepsis Patients(Speaker: Pat Posa, RN, BSN, MSA, CCRN-K, FAAN)
- October 10, 2020, HMS/MHA Sepsis Symposium – Post-Hospital Management
Post-Discharge Phone Call Made to Patient within 3 Calendar Days
- Project Re-Engineered Discharge(RED) – How to Conduct a Post-Discharge Follow Up Phone Call
- AHRQ Post Discharge Follow-up Phone Call Script
- University of Michigan-West Transition of Care Phone Call Documentation Template(for EPIC)
- Discharge Checklist and Follow-up Phone Calls: The Foundation to an Effective Discharge Process; Parker Adventist Hospital Presentation
- Kentucky Hospital Association – Post Discharge Follow-Up Call Script
Hospital Contact Provided for Issues Post-Discharge
- IMPACT – Reduce Readmissions with 3 Simple Items When Discharging to a SNF
- Sepsis Alliance Hospital Discharge List – Post-Sepsis or Septic Shock
- AHRQ Re-Engineered Discharge Toolkit – Components of After Hospital Care Plan(AHCP)
- UpToDate – Ideal Discharge of the Older Adult Patient: A Hospital Checklist
- HMS Member Hospital Examples
Scheduled for PCP Follow-Up with 2 Weeks
- IMPACT – Physician Conversation Guide: Scheduling 7-day Follow-up Appointments
- The University of Kansas Health System: Ready, Set, CALL: Improving Follow-Up Appointments Post Hospital Discharge(Examples of Discharge Checklist and Appointment Order Set)
- AHRQ – Discharge Process Checklist
- IMPACT Patient Conversation Guide: Do you want to avoid another hospital stay?(EN)
- IMPACT Patient Conversation Guide: Do you want to avoid another hospital stay?(SP)
Appropriate Continuation of Medications on Discharge
- Take Care Network – My Medication Log(for patients)
- National Transition of Care Coalition – Medication Reconciliation Elements
Appropriate Discontinuation/Non-Use of Controlled Substances on Discharge
- Society of Hospital Medicine Implementation Guide – Improving Pain Management for Hospitalized Medical Patients
- Communicating with Sepsis Patients: A Survivor’s Story(53:22)
- From: Sepsis Alliance Institute
- Presenters: Angel Coz, MD, FCCP; Darrell Raikes
- CE Information: 1.6 CNE, 1.25 CE for other healthcare professionals
- Session Overview: Hear firsthand from Darrell Raikes, a sepsis survivor and 2019 Erin Kay Flatley Spirit Award Winner, as he discusses his 32-day ICU stay and ensuing recovery. Participants will learn about post-sepsis physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges faced by many sepsis survivors. A Critical Care specialist will review the importance of early sepsis recognition to improve patient outcomes.
- Transitions of Care: Out of the Hospital
- From: Society of Hospital Medicine(SHM)
- Presenters: Amit Bansal, MD, MBA, CPE, FHM; Amy Baughman, MD, MPH; Catherine Lau, MD; Nidhi Rohatgi, MD, MS, FACP, FHM
- CE Information: 0.25 CE for healthcare professionals
- Session Overview: This series will feature three transitions of care subtopics that will describe various types of transitions of care with respective best practices.
- Empowering Sepsis Survivors: Developing Patient & Family Education and Discharge Plans(1:00:58)
- From: Sepsis Alliance Institute
- Presenters: Stephanie Parks Taylor, MD, MS; Sandra Kleier, RN; Don Smith; Kaitlin Walden
- CE Information: 1.7 CNE, 1.25 CE for other healthcare professionals
- Session Overview: During this presentation, participants will learn about the long-term outcomes and risks faced by sepsis survivors. Additionally, there will be information on strategies and resources for championing best practice, evidence-based discharge planning, and education protocols for sepsis survivors and their families.
- Transitions of Care After Sepsis Hospitalization(57:15)
- From: Sepsis Alliance Institute
- Presenter: Stephanie Parks Taylor, MD, MS
- CE Information: 1.7 CNE, 1.25 CE for other healthcare professionals
- Session Overview: Dr. Stephanie Parks Taylor addresses what is known about the post-acute care needs of sepsis survivors and discuss evidence-based approaches to meet these needs.
- Enhancing Recovery from Sepsis and COVID-19(55:13)
- From: Sepsis Alliance Institute
- Presenter: Hallie Prescott, MD, MSc
- CE Information: 1.6 CNE, 1.25 CE for other healthcare professionals
- Session Overview: This webinar reviews the current understanding of long-term outcomes from sepsis, reviews best practices for enhancing recovery from sepsis, and discusses current trials underway to enhance recovery from sepsis.
- Improving Sepsis Survivorship: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Optimize Post-Sepsis Care(59:51)
- From: Sepsis Alliance Institute
- Presenters: Jakob McSparron, MD; Rima Mohammad, PharmD; Mari Pitcher, MSW, MBA
- CE Information: 1.7 CNE, 1.25 CE for other healthcare professionals
- Session Overview: This course discusses a multidisciplinary approach for the care of patients after hospitalization for sepsis and is presented by the clinicians working at the Michigan Medicine UM PULSE(Post-ICU Longitudinal Survivor Experience) Clinic. Learn the resources you need to care for sepsis survivors and delve into the value brought by the interdisciplinary clinical team to improve sepsis survivorship and quality of life.
- Post-Sepsis Syndrome: Recognition and Management(56:03)
- From: Sepsis Alliance Institute
- Presenters: Cairn Ruhumuliza, RN, MS, CPHQ; Catherine(Terri) Hough, MD, MSc
- CE Information: 1.6 CNE, 1.25 CE for other healthcare professionals
- Session Overview: This webinar reviews signs and symptoms of post-sepsis syndrome and their relationship to sepsis and identify how to determine a post-sepsis patient’s pre-sepsis function and goals of care.
- Caring for Sepsis Survivors(57:47)
- From: Sepsis Alliance Institute
- Presenter: Hallie Prescott, MD, MSc
- CE Information: 1.7 CNE, 1.25 CE for other healthcare professionals
- Session Overview: This presentation revies best practices to mitigate and/or recover from post-sepsis sequelae, as well as reviews discharge and post-discharge medical care to enhance survivorship.
- Sepsis and Opioid Use Disorder: The Intersection of Two Public Health Crises(58:56)
- From: Sepsis Alliance Institute
- Presenters: Simeon Kimmel, MD, MA; Chanu Rhee, MD, MPH, FIDSA
- CE Information: 1.6 CNE, 1.25 CEs for other healthcare providers
- Session Overview: Sepsis and opioid use disorders are major sources of morbidity, mortality, and costs to the healthcare system. While most of the national focus has been on the rising number of fatal opioid overdoses, less attention has been paid to the serious infectious complications of opioid use disorders, including sepsis. In this presentation, Drs. Rhee and Kimmel will review recent data elucidating the epidemiology of sepsis and opioid-related hospitalizations and discuss potential strategies for reducing the harms associated with the intersection of these two public health emergencies.