Henry Ford Macomb Hospital
Lori is a previous Beaumont Health nurse and has proudly worked for Henry Ford Health System for the past 8 years. Henry Ford Macomb Hospital is her home. She started her tenure as a bedside RN, progressed to float pool nursing, and, finally, settled into Quality and Safety 5 years ago. Lori has experience working in several different CQIs and thoroughly enjoys process improvement work. She has always enjoyed being impactful in healthcare. When she heard that HMS was being initiated at Henry Ford Macomb, she was enthusiastic. As evidenced by her years in float pool nursing, she enjoys working with diverse patient populations. Therefore, the Michigan Hospital Medicine Safety Consortium was a natural fit for Lori. Fortunately, she was granted an interview and transitioned to the HMS Abstractor role at Henry Ford Macomb in early 2020. As one may recall, 2020 was a whirlwind. In 2021, the process improvement facilitated through HMS has brought impactful, sustainable changes to their PICC and antibiotic use.