Background, Rationale and Suggested Implementation Strategies
- Identify, adapt and deploy a decision-tool to guide clinicians in determining the appropriateness of CVC or PICC placement prior to insertion
- Ensure that the decision to use a PICC is made in consultation with operators familiar with recommendations from the decision tool;
- Designate a physician champion to support use of the decision tool and assist with resolving disagreements between inserter and ordering physician or managing uncertainty regarding best practice
- Share the proposed decision tool with front-line clinicians and members of the vascular access committee to ensure buy-in and feedback of the tool
- Communicate use of decision-tool to clinicians and front line staff through educational sessions (morning report, grand rounds, nursing huddles/blitzes, etc.)
- Implement the decision-tool via approaches such as a nursing checklist for PICC use vs. use of other non-central venous access devices, computerized decision support within the electronic health system, etc.
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